Wednesday, March 26, 2008

black hOle sun.

a classic track by sOundgarden. Off Of their classic album 'superunknOwn'. the videO is alsO weird but in a classic kinda way. haha. i remember watching this videO when i was in middle schOol. it's One Of thOse that stays with yOu. the sOng is called 'black hOle sun'. i'm sure mOst Of yOu have heard it at sOme pOint. sOundgarden is One Of my favOrite rOck grOups Of all time. feel free tO bang yOur head tO this.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

guess whO's bizzack. hOpefully fOr gOod this time...

hahaha. my bad. i've been away fOr a while nOw. my life gOt real. really fast. and i've been grindin. trying tO finish schOol. teach. and nOt be Overwhelmed but i'm back. it feels gOod. i'm gOnna try my best tO stay On tOp Of my pOstings. particularly my cOre circuits sO that all Of yOu at hOme can fOllOw alOng. haha. the weather is flawless in OklahOma right nOw sO it's easy tO be mOtivated tO run. i'm gOnna try tO make mOre time fOr that. and i'll be lifting mOnday- friday with JJ WOoOo PGA prO. it feels gOod tO be back. 

runLO: aprOx. 5 miles: 35 min. campus lOop. i feel fat. i gOt attacked by twO little mangy dOgs On brOoks st. One was nipping at my heels and almOst gOt punted intO the creek. i started hurtin as i made my way thrOugh campus... but there are girls On campus sO i pulled myself tOgether hOping tO nOt lOok as pathetic as i felt. i gOt a cOuple lOoks. One whistle. One "weeeewww!". all things in due time. in due time.

wOrk Out.

the pump: legs. 3 x walking lunges w. 50 lbs. drive knee up in transitiOn. get a nice stretch in yOur lunge fOrward. 3 x 20 single leg Quad extensiOn. 3 x 15 single leg swiss ball hamstring curls. lay On yOur back with One leg On the ball. the Other leg shOuld be in the air. rOll the ball tOwards yOu drawing yOur fOot in tOwards yOur butt. the ball shOuld rOll frOm yOur calf up tOwards yOur heel. yOur butt shOuld cOme Off Of the grOund and yOu shOuld balance On yOur shOulder blades at the tOp. 

abs: the weather is getting hOt sO we gOtta get thOse beach bOdies lOokin right. haha. the first exercise we've dOne befOre. we'll call it a half pike. basically what we're gOnna dO is balance Our legs On the swiss ball in a pushup pOsitiOn. next we're gOnna draw Our knees in tOwards Our chest. rOlling the ball fOrward. yOur butt shOuld cOme up in the air. then flatten Out fOr One rep. repeat this 3 x 20 reps. next we're gOnna dO the same exact exercise except we are gOing tO target the ObliQue muscles. we dO this by twisting Our feet tO the side. i like tO chOse One side and dO a set then switch tO the Other. but yOu can alternate left and right every rep if yOu want. 3 x 15 On these. finally. get a med ball if you have One. if nOt and weight will dO 10-15 lbs will be enOugh. find a wall. sit on yOur swiss ball clOse enOugh tO the wall that yOu can set yOur feet On it. yOur knees shOuld be bent abOve yOur head. feet flat against the wall. hOld the med ball behind yOur head. crunch up. get a nice rhythm gOing and yOu will really feel this One. try fOr 3 x 30 reps.

gnarls barkley = genius

aaite sO check it. i gOt sOme new music fOr ya'll. this album just drOpped. it's sOoOo dOpe. Gnarls Barkley's new jOint called "the Odd cOuple". yOu're either gOnna lOve it Or yOu're gOnna hate it. i ObviOusly lOve it. it is refreshing. particularly with all Of the trash that is being bumped On the radiO and On tv. this is real life. i respect the art Of it. nO dOubt. i was trying tO find mOre tracks but this is their single "run". it's cOol. the rest Of the album is crazy thO. if yOu dOn't knOw... nOw yOu knOw. 
