Saturday, January 19, 2008

live tO fight anOther day...

Our life is frittered away by detail. an hOnest man has hardly need tO cOunt mOre than his ten fingers. Or in extreme cases he may add his ten tOes and lump the rest. simplicity. simplicity. simplicity! i say. let yOur affairs be as twO Or three and nOt a hundred Or a thOusand. instead Of a milliOn cOunt half a dOzen and keep yOur accOunts On yOur thumb-nail... why shOuld we live with such hurry and waste of life? we are determined tO be starved befOre we are hungry.
:: 'where i lived and what i lived fOr', walden :: 
:: Henry David ThOreau ::

runLO: naaa... nOt tOday. haha. being that it's my first week back in the game... i need a day Off tO rest my legs a bit. it's clear tO me nOw that my cOme back was a bit tOo aggressive. it's nOt really that surprising tO me cOnsidering hOw hard i've been gOing. my main prOblem right nOw is that i'm used tO running at a certain pace and distance and that is really all that i knOw. because i tOok sO much time away frOm running i almOst have tO start frOm scratch and rebuild what twinkees and cup cakes have destrOyed. hOw's they saying gO, 'destrOy in Order tO rebuild'. wOrd. 

thOugh i believe that my anxiOusness and drive is a gOod thing. i must make a cOnsciOus effOrt tO train Only slightly past my level Of fitness until i have a fOundatiOn that can withstand the stOrm. tOday i chill. dO sOme reading. bOoty scratching. and tOmOrrOw i get back w. the prOgram. ya diggg! 

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