the pump:
legs. 3 x 30 yard lunge w. 50 lbs. strait leg dead lift w. 60 lbs. 3 x 20 prOne leg raises. (balance On elbOws and toes. butt and back flat. this is prOne pOsitiOn. alternating legs kick up tOwards the sky. switch and dO the same thing On yOur side. elbOw and One fOot tOuching the grOund the Other leg Opening up like a pair Of scissOrs. switch sides. rOll over tO yOur back balancing On yOur elbOws and heels kick yOur tOes up alternating legs.) single leg calf raises. cOre + abs: 3 x superman's (lay flat On yOur stOmach and simultaneOusly lift yOur head and legs as high as yOu can). 3 x standing side dead lift w. 45 lbs (w a weight in One hand. drOp yOur shOulder dOwn and lean sideways as lOw as yOu can get and spring back up. yOu shOuld lOok like an Old fashiOn balancing scale.) abs: 3 x leg thrOw dOwns. (with a partner if yOu have One Or sOmething else stable that yOu can hOld On tO. lay flat On yOur back. have yOur partner stand Over yOu with their tOes at yOur shOulders. hOld On tO their ankles and swing bOth Of yOu legs up tOwards their face. yOur partner will push yOur legs back dOwn with fOrce varying the directiOn tO wOrk upper lOwer and ObliQue abs. 3 x prOne ball rOll. (fOr this One yOu need an ab ball Or swiss ball they are called. i refer tO them as blue balls. get in a pushup pOsitiOn with yOur shins On the ball. Once yOu're balanced draw yOur knees up tOwards yOur stOmach. the ball shOuld rOll fOrward tOwards yOur tOes. alternate the directiOn Of yOur knees tO wOrk ObliQues.
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