Sunday, January 20, 2008

'we dOn't talk... we prOduce'

it's game day baby! 
tOday's sOng needs nO real intrOductiOn. this is 'shipping Out tO bOstOn' by drOpkick murphy's. yOu may recOgnize this sOng frOm 'the departed'. being that it's game day
i have tO dedicate this track tO my pats and 
tO all the haters whO wish tO see us 
fall frOm the tOp. ain't happenin hOmies. hOpeful haters.

'we dOn't talk... we prOduce' what we stand fOr speaks fOr 
itself. One game at a time. One heartbeat. let's get it gOing.


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