Wednesday, March 26, 2008

black hOle sun.

a classic track by sOundgarden. Off Of their classic album 'superunknOwn'. the videO is alsO weird but in a classic kinda way. haha. i remember watching this videO when i was in middle schOol. it's One Of thOse that stays with yOu. the sOng is called 'black hOle sun'. i'm sure mOst Of yOu have heard it at sOme pOint. sOundgarden is One Of my favOrite rOck grOups Of all time. feel free tO bang yOur head tO this.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

guess whO's bizzack. hOpefully fOr gOod this time...

hahaha. my bad. i've been away fOr a while nOw. my life gOt real. really fast. and i've been grindin. trying tO finish schOol. teach. and nOt be Overwhelmed but i'm back. it feels gOod. i'm gOnna try my best tO stay On tOp Of my pOstings. particularly my cOre circuits sO that all Of yOu at hOme can fOllOw alOng. haha. the weather is flawless in OklahOma right nOw sO it's easy tO be mOtivated tO run. i'm gOnna try tO make mOre time fOr that. and i'll be lifting mOnday- friday with JJ WOoOo PGA prO. it feels gOod tO be back. 

runLO: aprOx. 5 miles: 35 min. campus lOop. i feel fat. i gOt attacked by twO little mangy dOgs On brOoks st. One was nipping at my heels and almOst gOt punted intO the creek. i started hurtin as i made my way thrOugh campus... but there are girls On campus sO i pulled myself tOgether hOping tO nOt lOok as pathetic as i felt. i gOt a cOuple lOoks. One whistle. One "weeeewww!". all things in due time. in due time.

wOrk Out.

the pump: legs. 3 x walking lunges w. 50 lbs. drive knee up in transitiOn. get a nice stretch in yOur lunge fOrward. 3 x 20 single leg Quad extensiOn. 3 x 15 single leg swiss ball hamstring curls. lay On yOur back with One leg On the ball. the Other leg shOuld be in the air. rOll the ball tOwards yOu drawing yOur fOot in tOwards yOur butt. the ball shOuld rOll frOm yOur calf up tOwards yOur heel. yOur butt shOuld cOme Off Of the grOund and yOu shOuld balance On yOur shOulder blades at the tOp. 

abs: the weather is getting hOt sO we gOtta get thOse beach bOdies lOokin right. haha. the first exercise we've dOne befOre. we'll call it a half pike. basically what we're gOnna dO is balance Our legs On the swiss ball in a pushup pOsitiOn. next we're gOnna draw Our knees in tOwards Our chest. rOlling the ball fOrward. yOur butt shOuld cOme up in the air. then flatten Out fOr One rep. repeat this 3 x 20 reps. next we're gOnna dO the same exact exercise except we are gOing tO target the ObliQue muscles. we dO this by twisting Our feet tO the side. i like tO chOse One side and dO a set then switch tO the Other. but yOu can alternate left and right every rep if yOu want. 3 x 15 On these. finally. get a med ball if you have One. if nOt and weight will dO 10-15 lbs will be enOugh. find a wall. sit on yOur swiss ball clOse enOugh tO the wall that yOu can set yOur feet On it. yOur knees shOuld be bent abOve yOur head. feet flat against the wall. hOld the med ball behind yOur head. crunch up. get a nice rhythm gOing and yOu will really feel this One. try fOr 3 x 30 reps.

gnarls barkley = genius

aaite sO check it. i gOt sOme new music fOr ya'll. this album just drOpped. it's sOoOo dOpe. Gnarls Barkley's new jOint called "the Odd cOuple". yOu're either gOnna lOve it Or yOu're gOnna hate it. i ObviOusly lOve it. it is refreshing. particularly with all Of the trash that is being bumped On the radiO and On tv. this is real life. i respect the art Of it. nO dOubt. i was trying tO find mOre tracks but this is their single "run". it's cOol. the rest Of the album is crazy thO. if yOu dOn't knOw... nOw yOu knOw. 


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

dO yOu fell me?

alright this is my new favOrite sOng. i heard if fOr the first time in american gangster. like i said befOre. a gOod sOng tO me takes me thrOugh emOtiOns Or makes me reflective. this sOng is dOpe. i've been listening tO in nOnstOp all week. it's called 'can yOu feel me' by anthOny hamiltOn. it's On the 'american gangster sOundtrack'. it's abOut when yOu're feelin a girl and yOu're nOt sure if she's interested Or if she gets the message. i'm sure we've all been there at One time Or anOther. real life. we all gOing thru the same things. similar struggles. clOse yOur eyes and listen. play it lOud.


Monday, January 28, 2008

tOuch the sky

this On my tOp 100 favOrite sOngs Of all time list. it's by One Of my tOp 10 favOrite artists Of all time. kanye. he's On that level nOw. we can gO right ahead and Omit the last name. thO that last name is pOwerful. never sleep On a west. we majOr. this is 'tOuch the sky' feat lupe befOre anyOne knew Or cared whO he was. FYI i was rOckin tO lu befOre 'late registratiOn'. i hate tO tOot my Own hOrn but... beep. beep. yOu knOw the sOng. nO further intrOductiOn needed. 'fam... this videO cOst 1 milliOn dOllars fam! i gOt pam andersOn in there! i'm flying thru the air and s#!t... when i dOn't win this award shOw lOses credibility!'. and they ask me why i lOve kanye. haha. classic.


Sunday, January 27, 2008


runLO: 4+ miles. 31 min. wOrds tO describe tOday's run: pain. agOny. misery. dOughnut king. embarrassment. after a week Or sO Of training i thOught that i was ready tO gO On a run with jOkin. mistake. i made it abOut 3 miles befOre huffing and puffing. arOund mile 4 i tOld him tO gO On withOut me. with my hands On my knees. i hung my head in shame... haha. it's fair tO say that i am far frOm where i want tO be in my fitness. my weight training is gOing really well. i need tO step my cardiO game up thO. and i alsO need tO never run with jOrdan again. he's a little fella but he takes nO prisOners On the rOads. One day jOkin. i'll get my revenge.   

the pump: push ups. crunches.

hang me Out tO dry

yO. yO. this is a real cOol sOng. it's by the 'cOld war kids'. i'm sure that sOme Of yOu have heard it. it's called 'hang me Out tO dry'. their album 'rObbers & cOwards' is crazy. i played it in my car tO the pOint that i was sick Of it. if yOu like what yOu hear yOu shOuld check it Out.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

tOday was a gOod day.

Ok. this sOng is pretty tight. if it weren't fOr friday. next friday. and the friday after next. i'd have tO say that it's the best thing that ice cube has ever dOne. this is frOm back in the day when he was a gangster. befOre he started making family cOmedies. it's gOod tO see that he grew up at least. this sOng 'tOday was a gOod day' is Off his album 'the predatOr'. sOme days everything gOes right fOr yOu. this sOng is a stOry abOut that. 


Friday, January 25, 2008

cOre strength.

sOrry fOr nOt pOsting yesterday's wOrkOut. it was a pretty lame One anyway. nOthing that i wOuld want anyOne tO fOllOw. sadly. i have sOme gOod stuff fOr yOu tOday thO. 

runLO: 3 miles. 25 min. because we are hitting the weights sO hard i've decided tO tOne back the running and dO mOre cross training. i think that this will be gOod fOr me in the lOng run. i dOn't think that i can last if i run 7-10 miles and lift hard every day. plus i'm in pretty bad running shape and it's cOld Outside. crOss training it is! 15 min hard On rOwing machine. 20 min On statiOnary bike. hill wOrkOut level 15. 

the pump: cOre: friday's are cOre days meaning that we hit abs. back. and ass hard. mOst Of the cOre wOrk that we did tOday invOlved a swiss ball. Or ab ball. Or blue ball. whatever yOu want tO call it. here we gO. 3 x full bOdy pike. get in a pushup pOsitiOn with yOur shins resting On the ball. rOll the ball tOwards yOu with yOur feet. pushing yOur butt up tOwards the sky. it shOuld lOok like yOur fOlding yOurself in half Or piking. 3 x bOdy bridges. mOst Of yOu knOw hOw tO dO this One. lay On yOur back. prOp the bOttOm Of yOur feet against the ball. knees bent. and rOll yOur hips up. lifting yOur butt Off the grOund. 3 x rOll ups. these are kinda cOol. stand in frOnt Of the ball. spread yOur legs Open tO get a gOod base. place yOur palms On the ball and rOll dOwn tO yOur elbOws the back up intO yOur Original standing pOsitiOn. 3 x half pikes. we've dOne these befOre. push up pOsitiOn On ball. draw knees in tOwards chest. 3 x crOss mOuntain climbers. get dOwn in a push up pOsitiOn. bring One Of yOur knees fOrward tOwards yOur OppOsite arm. hOld it fOr a secOnd. nOw alternate. try tO get a gOod rhythm gOing. 3 x cOre balance. this is fun. basically what yOu're gOnna dO here is balance On the blue ball. yOu may want tO dO this clOse tO a wall until yOu get the hang Of it. place the ball in frOnt Of yOu and kneel On it. yOu shOuldn't be hOlding OntO anything. use yOur hips and abs tO stabilize. if yOu are cOmfOrtable. place bOth hands On the ball and lift One leg strait back. then alternate.


yO yO. what's gOing On peOple. tOday's sOng is a classic rOck jOint that takes me back tO middle schOol. as scary as that sOunds. haha. it's 'interstate lOve sOng' by the 'stOne temple pilOts'. Off Of their album 'purple'. this is a track that i keep On heavy rOtatiOn. listen up.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tv On the radiO

what it dO peOple? tOday's sOng is frOm 'Tv On the radiO'. many Of yOu may nOt knOw abOut this grOup yet. here's yOur educatiOn. this sOng 'wOlf like me' is frOm their album 'return tO cOokie mOuntain'. this album cOmpetes with gnarls barkley and amy winehOuse fOr the best album Of 06-07 in my bOok. their sOund takes a while tO embrace fOr sOme but i lOved it frOm the start. check it Out. 


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

On the grind.

runLO: 3+ miles. 27 min. ran lindsey st east. i planned On running 40-50 min but my legs and back were still feeling it frOm the lift last night. these things happen early On. i did 25 min On the bike after Our lift tOnight tO get a little bit mOre cardiO wOrk in. nOthing wrOng with a little crOss training. if yOu can be prOductive On days like this it pays Off later dOwn the rOad. gOtta grind it Out. 

the pump: chest (lite). flat bench. 135 (warm up). 155 x 8. 185 x 6. 205 x 4. 135 (infinite set). 3 x hammer strength flat w. 90 lbs. 3 x incline hammer strength w. 90 lbs. 3 x decline hammer strength w. 110 lbs. 3 x single leg wObble bOard push ups. (get a wObble bOard and a blue ball. balance legs On blue ball and hands On wObble bOard. when yOu get balanced draw up One Of yOur legs and hOld it in the air while yOu sQueeze Out sOme push ups. alternate legs every 5 reps. 3 x pull ups. abs. reach unders x 100 tOuches. (laying On yOur back with yOur knees bent. crunch up. get a nice flex in yOur abs and rOck frOm side tO side trying tO reach under yOur butt and tOuch the OppOsite fOot) 3 x striders. (these are hard tO explain but i will try my best. laying On yOur back and rOll up tO yOur butt. straiten One leg and draw the Other knee tOwards yOur chest. this is where it gets tricky. balancing On yOur butt yOu're gOnna crunch dOwn and straiten the leg that is bent. then sit back up and bring the Other knee tO yOur chest. get a gOod rhythm and it'll feel like yOu are running... kinda) 3 x half bent pike. (Ok fOr these yOu're gOnna lay On yOur back. crunch up. flex yOur abs. take yOur right elbOw and tOuch it tO yOur right knee. yOur Other leg shOuld be strait On the grOund. On yOur bent leg yOur fOot shOuld be tOuching the grOund every rep then drive yOur knee up tO meet yOur elbOw half way. 1 x crunches (burnOut. frOnt and Oblique).

dOuble up hump day...

tOday i'm gOnna hit yall with a dOuble dip. bOth track are frOm the pharcyde. the what? i knOw yOu dOn't really knOw nOthing abOut that. well pay attentiOn. yOu might learn sOmething. this is real hiphOp. stOry telling.
this first track is called 'drOp' it Off Of the 'labcabincalifOrnia' album. the sOng is dOpe. but the videO is crazy. i'm still trying tO figure Out hOw they kept the wOrd On pOint with the mOvements. wild.

aaite. i hOpe yOu enjOyed drOp. it's One Of my favOrite videOs ever. this next jOint is crazy tOo. it's called 'passin my by' it's Off the 'bizarre ride 2' album. i cOuldn't find the Original videO that had gOod audiO but i fOund a japanamatiOn jOint that they dubbed the sOng Over. sOmeOne has tOo much free time. but it is kinda dOpe. enjOy.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


runLO: 5 miles. 34 min. campus lOop. the weather was hOrrible. cOld and windy. sOmething like 10 deg w. the wind chill. didn't plan On running very hard but ended up rOlling thrOugh campus. legs felt great. getting a little bit better every day... that's what life's abOut. 

the pump:

legs. 3 x 30 yard lunge w. 50 lbs. strait leg dead lift w. 60 lbs. 3 x 20 prOne leg raises. (balance On elbOws and toes. butt and back flat. this is prOne pOsitiOn. alternating legs kick up tOwards the sky. switch and dO the same thing On yOur side. elbOw and One fOot tOuching the grOund the Other leg Opening up like a pair Of scissOrs. switch sides. rOll over tO yOur back balancing On yOur elbOws and heels kick yOur tOes up alternating legs.) single leg calf raises. cOre + abs: 3 x superman's (lay flat On yOur stOmach and simultaneOusly lift yOur head and legs as high as yOu can). 3 x standing side dead lift w. 45 lbs (w a weight in One hand. drOp yOur shOulder dOwn and lean sideways as lOw as yOu can get and spring back up. yOu shOuld lOok like an Old fashiOn balancing scale.) abs: 3 x leg thrOw dOwns. (with a partner if yOu have One Or sOmething else stable that yOu can hOld On tO. lay flat On yOur back. have yOur partner stand Over yOu with their tOes at yOur shOulders. hOld On tO their ankles and swing bOth Of yOu legs up tOwards their face. yOur partner will push yOur legs back dOwn with fOrce varying the directiOn tO wOrk upper lOwer and ObliQue abs. 3 x prOne ball rOll. (fOr this One yOu need an ab ball Or swiss ball they are called. i refer tO them as blue balls. get in a pushup pOsitiOn with yOur shins On the ball. Once yOu're balanced draw yOur knees up tOwards yOur stOmach. the ball shOuld rOll fOrward tOwards yOur tOes. alternate the directiOn Of yOur knees tO wOrk ObliQues.

rage against the machine.

tOday's sOng is frOm rage against the machine. a band that changed my life in a lOt Of ways. what i lOve abOut their music is that they have never been scared tO stand up and challenge cOrruptiOn. greed. and Other such american evils (human evils One cOuld argue). in the fight fOr freedOm. it takes real strength tO stand up and fight fOr what yOu believe in. the first QuestiOn that yOu need tO ask yOurself thO is 'what dO yOu believe in?'. this is 'testify' frOm 'the battle Of lOs angeles' album. if this track dOn't make yOu wanna take it tO the streets. nOthing will. 'what better place than here... what better time than nOw?'

Monday, January 21, 2008

i tOo dream america.

runLO: 4 miles. 30 min. hit the mill tOday cuz i ran Out Of sunlight and the weather was lOokin kinda raw. legs are feeling better. cardiO is imprOving even thO i struggled thrOugh the run. i think that it was mainly boredOm. i HATE running On treadmills but the shOw must gO On...

the pump: bi's and tri's. 3 x crazy 7's On curls. 3 x hammer curls w. 40 lb. dumbbells. 3 x flex curls w. 25 lb. 3 x rOpe curl w 110 lbs. 3 x tricep pull dOwn w. 110 lbs. 3 x single arm rOpe extensiOns w. 40 lbs. 3 x triangle pushups burn Out. 3 x tri extensions w. 15 lbs. pyramid abs starting at 7 (meaning that yOu dO 7 sit ups with bOth legs bent (a regular sit up). then seven with One leg flat and One bent. then switching legs. then bOth legs flat. then 6 Of each all the way dOwn tO One. it sOunds easy but it aint. try it if yOu need a new ab wOrkOut. 3 x prOne stability while partner kicks blue ball.  

i have a dream...

i hOpe yOu are able tO ace the distinctiOn I am trying tO pOint Out. in nO sense dO I advOcate evading Or defying the law. as wOuld the rabid segregatiOnist. that wOuld lead tO anarchy. One whO breaks an unjust law must dO sO Openly. lOvingly. and with a willingness tO accept the penalty. I submit that an individual whO breaks a law that cOnscience tells him is unjust and whO willingly accepts the penalty Of imprisOnment in Order tO arOuse the cOnscience Of the community over its injustice is in reality expressing the highest respect fOr law.
:: letter frOm a birmingham jail : april 16th 1963 ::
:: KING ::


tOday's sOng is a classic. in my library at least... it's 'respiratiOn' by blackstar aka. mOs def and talib kweli feat cOmmOn sense. um... i'm nOt sure what album it's frOm. i'm guessing a sOundbOmbing Or rawkus mixtape. blackstar is One Of my favOrite rap calabO's Of all time. fOr sOme reasOn dudes are scared Of intellectual music Or tracks that raise cOnsciOusness. that's crazy tO me. i feel like 90% Of the rap/ hiphOp On tv and the radiO is garbage. trash. i'll keep it real. i'll dance tO it but that's where it's value stOps tO me. 

whO are yOu? what dO yOu represent? what are yOu passiOnate abOut? these are all QuestiOns that yOu need tO be asking yOurself daily. i believe that Once yOu figure these things Out that yOu must take steps tOwards aligning the things that yOu say. dO. believe in. listen tO. the cOmpany that yOu keep. all Of that. yOu shOuld be aligning that tO the persOn that yOu wish tO becOme. i dOn't mean tO lecture. all i'm sayin is that i've never aspired tO kill a man Or pimp a hOe. i'm wOrking On becOming a man. yOu already knOw. nO time Or tOlerance fOr the childish. 


Sunday, January 20, 2008


:: the patriOt dynasty ::

'we dOn't talk... we prOduce'

it's game day baby! 
tOday's sOng needs nO real intrOductiOn. this is 'shipping Out tO bOstOn' by drOpkick murphy's. yOu may recOgnize this sOng frOm 'the departed'. being that it's game day
i have tO dedicate this track tO my pats and 
tO all the haters whO wish tO see us 
fall frOm the tOp. ain't happenin hOmies. hOpeful haters.

'we dOn't talk... we prOduce' what we stand fOr speaks fOr 
itself. One game at a time. One heartbeat. let's get it gOing.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

live tO fight anOther day...

Our life is frittered away by detail. an hOnest man has hardly need tO cOunt mOre than his ten fingers. Or in extreme cases he may add his ten tOes and lump the rest. simplicity. simplicity. simplicity! i say. let yOur affairs be as twO Or three and nOt a hundred Or a thOusand. instead Of a milliOn cOunt half a dOzen and keep yOur accOunts On yOur thumb-nail... why shOuld we live with such hurry and waste of life? we are determined tO be starved befOre we are hungry.
:: 'where i lived and what i lived fOr', walden :: 
:: Henry David ThOreau ::

runLO: naaa... nOt tOday. haha. being that it's my first week back in the game... i need a day Off tO rest my legs a bit. it's clear tO me nOw that my cOme back was a bit tOo aggressive. it's nOt really that surprising tO me cOnsidering hOw hard i've been gOing. my main prOblem right nOw is that i'm used tO running at a certain pace and distance and that is really all that i knOw. because i tOok sO much time away frOm running i almOst have tO start frOm scratch and rebuild what twinkees and cup cakes have destrOyed. hOw's they saying gO, 'destrOy in Order tO rebuild'. wOrd. 

thOugh i believe that my anxiOusness and drive is a gOod thing. i must make a cOnsciOus effOrt tO train Only slightly past my level Of fitness until i have a fOundatiOn that can withstand the stOrm. tOday i chill. dO sOme reading. bOoty scratching. and tOmOrrOw i get back w. the prOgram. ya diggg! 

it's time... meet me On the sunny rOad...

it's a cOld clOudy day in OklahOma sO my music selectiOn fOr tOday is really chill. this is One Of my favOrite sOngs. it's by Emilana TOrrini. a much slept On artist but i think that her music is beautiful. it's Off Of her album 'fisherman's wOman'. this album is dOpe frOm start tO finish sO nO need tO skip Over tracks. it's the perfect music fOr a cOld day when all yOu have tO dO is lOunge and read Or write. which is sOmething like what i'll be dOing tOday. i feel like gOod music shOuld put yOu thrOugh emOtiOns Or take yOu back tO a certain place in time. this album is gOod at dOing that fOr me.


Friday, January 18, 2008

yOu On pOint lO? all the time...

tOday's sOng is "check the rhime" by a tribe called Quest. it's Off "the lOw end theOry" album. that's what's bumpin in my itunes right nOw. yOu On pOint LO? yOu knOw the rest...

'Okay, if knOwledge is the key then just shOw me the lOck/ gOt the scrawny legs but I move just like LOu BrOck,/with speed. i'm agile plus i'm wOrth yOur while./One hundred percent intelligent black child./my Optic presentatiOn sizzles the retina./hOw far must I gO tO gain respect? ummmm./well, it's kind Of simple, just remain yOur Own/Or yOu'll be crazy sad and alOne. /Industry rule number fOur thOusand and eighty,/recOrd cOmpany peOple are shadyyyyy.' what yOu knOw abOut that?

"dO yOu need a ride sOmewhere?"

"i'd like tO repeat my advice i gave tO yOu befOre, in that i think yOu really shOuld make a radical change in yOur lifestyle and begin tO bOldly dO things which yOu may previOusly never have thOught Of dOing, Or been tOo hesitant tO attempt. sO many peOple live within unhappy circumstances and yet will nOt take the initiative tO change their situatiOn because they are cOnditiOned tO a life Of security cOnfOrmity, and cOnservatism, all Of which may appear tO give One peace Of mind, but in reality nOthing is mOre damaging tO the adventurOus spirit within a man than a secure future. the very basic cOre Of a man's living spirit is his passiOn fOr adventure... dOn't hesitate Or allOw yOurself tO make excuses. just get Out and dO it. just get Out and dO it. yOu will be very, very glad that yOu did." 
:: chris "alex" mccandless ::
 :: jOn krakauer - 'intO the wild' ::

runLO: 8+ miles. 1hr 2min. run was randOm. back dOor tO bOyd. thrOugh campus cOrner. left On flOod. left On lindsey. dOwn chitanQua? tO timbermill. Over tO the intramural fields fOr 2 laps. mckinley tO the duck pOnd. Over the train tracks tO brOoks and hOme. 

it was 40 deg when i began my run but much cOlder with the wind. i felt great in the beginning Of the run. cruised dOwn bOyd. things turned sOur pretty Quickly. sOme cramping On flOod and the misery began. at this pOint jilane pulled up beside me in her tinted Out hOnda. which tOtally fits her persOnality... she seemed happy tO see me Out running. actually nO... happy is the wrOng wOrd. a better adj. wOuld be amused. "dO yOu need a ride sOmewhere?" she asked me... i declined. "i feel really bad, i wish that i cOuld Offer yOu sOme water Or sOmething," she fOllOwed. water did sOund refreshing. after a brief exchange and a high 5 i press On. all the while cursing myself fOr turning dOwn the ride hOme. describe tOday's run in a wOrd... rOugh.  it's all gOod thO. nObOdy said it wOuld be easy.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

it's been a lOng time. maybe tOo lOng in fact. but i'm back.

dO yOu nOt knOw that in a race all the runners run but Only One gets the prize? run in such a way as tO get the prize. everyOne whO cOmpetes in the games gOes intO strict training. they dO it tO get a crOwn that will nOt last but we dO it tO get a crOwn that will last fOrever. therefore i dO nOt run like a man running aimlessly. i dO nOt fight like a man beating the air. nO. i beat my bOdy and make it my slave sO that after i have preached tO Others i myself will nOt be disQualified fOr the prize. :: 1st cOrinthians 9:24-27 ::

runLO: 5+ miles up tempO (fOr a fat bOy). 34 min. the rOut went frOm the lOdge. Out the side dOor. dOwn brOoks. Over the train tracks. thrOugh campus. tO bOyd. Over the river and thrOugh the wOods. haven't named this run yet even thO i dO it every Other day. let's call it campus lOop fOr nOw. i knOw... creative.

it's a cOld day in nOrman OK. 25 deg when i hit the rOads. the first mile Or sO was painful but i warmed up nicely bOut half way thrOugh. i was feeling a little bit sluggish On brOoks but felt gOod by the time i gOt tO the train tracks. the rest Of the run was cOol. flew hOme after the turn OntO bOyd. slOwly but surely i'm getting my legs back. in due time...

the pump: 3 x  blue ball (haha. blue ball...) bench w. 55 lb. dumbbells. 3 x 20 stabilizatiOn pushups On blue ball. 3 x 12 hammer strength w. 45 lbs. pull-ups burnOut. hangs. plate grip (fOrearms). med ball tOss abs. "excuse me miss... can yOu tell me which way the beach is? is it thaaat waay?

sOng Of the day: 
radiOhead: weird fishes/arpeggi
frOm album. in rainbOws.
radiOhead is One Of my favOrite bands. if yOu're nOt hip tO their music yet... get familiar. their new album 'in rainbOws' is tight sO yOu shOuld cOp that if yOu get a chance but it's just a taste Of their wOrk. if yOu were a fly On my wall this week this is what it wOuld sOund like. dOpe.
